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Imogen Arate

Keep in Shape

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

Sometimes I let her speak my words invest another meaning from a different tongue The audience detects a variance bouncing between their projection and my pretensions hiding sentiments I dare not express An image has its form to protect against distortions Transformation Fluctuations perturb the steady facade put on for protection from the uncouth mob at the ready to beat you into the shape of their imagination The world is easier lived in the head

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imogen Arate is an award-winning Asian-American poet and writer and the Executive Producer and Host of Poets and Muses (, a weekly poetry podcast that won second place at National Federation of Press Women's 2020 Communications Contest. She has written in four languages and published in two. Her works were most recently published by dyst, The New Verse News and the Dwell Time Press. You can find her @PoetsandMuses on Twitter and Instagram.

This poem was recently discussed on Imogen's podcast Poets and Muses, you can find the episode here:


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